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Vratislavice's parish website
Dioceze of Litoměřice | Vicariate of Liberec


Parish community(2004), photo by Dominik Fišer

An illustration of what is happening in the parish can be made from the mass times, and also from regular and seasonal actions, which are really varied. Life of the parish community does not by far end by visiting the Sunday mass. We are still seeking the way addressing also non-believers and of more actively participating on vratislavice's life(our parish belong to the biggest civic and non-profit making organizations in Vratislavice). Vratislavice falls under Litoměřice diocese. It has approximately 6900 inhabitants, though a regular participation on Sunday mass is only 90 - 110 people which is approximately 1,5% of the total population.

As the church we try to experience our catholicity - to be the church general that is open for all. There are proportionately represented all the generations in our community. Unbelieving however also participate on our activities or as the case may be also Christians from different churches. Everybody is welcome in our community.

The all parish activities are for example: Camps for children, outings common holiday, a carnival, a nicholas's revelry, etc.

And here are some attractive pictures from the life of our parish.

Sunday chatting after mass in foyer of the Chapel of Resurrection, photo by Evelyn Bernard
Sunday chatting after mass in foyer of the Chapel of Ressurrection
Cross-country skiing in summer? Nothing impossible at parish camp!, photo by Evelyn Bernard
Cross-country skiing in summer? Nothing impossible at parish camp!
First trip on parish holiday in Fryšták, photo by Evelyn Bernard
First trip on parish holiday in Fryšták
Nicholas's fairy story - Tomcat in boots, photo by Jan Macek
Nicholas's fairy story - Tomcat in boots
Shared parish trip to visit the beauty of our country, photo by Jan Horáček
Shared parish trip to visit the beauty of our country
Charity - that is mercy in the action, photo by Evelyn Bernard
Charity - that is mercy in the action
Additional photos are in Photo album.